The Great Onboarding Adventure

Onboarding Game Overview

Objective: The primary objectives of this onboarding game are to help new hires across all departments build connections with their colleagues, introduce them to the company culture, and familiarize them with key aspects of the organization through engaging interactive activities.

Audience: New hires from all departments.

Format: A full-day, in-office game that combines role-playing scenarios, team-based problem-solving, quizzes, icebreaker activities, and guided tours.

Game Structure

  1. Morning Kickoff (9:00 AM - 10:00 AM)
    • Introduction & Icebreaker Activity:
      • Begin with a brief welcome from a senior leader, introducing the company and the importance of the onboarding process.
      • Icebreaker: "Two Truths and a Lie" - Participants share two truths and one lie about themselves. Others must guess which is the lie. This helps break the ice and starts building connections.
  2. Guided Office Tour & Scavenger Hunt (10:00 AM - 11:30 AM)
    • Office Tour:
      • Participants are divided into small groups and given a guided tour of the office. Key locations like the cafeteria, meeting rooms, and key departmental areas are highlighted.
    • Scavenger Hunt:
      • During the tour, participants are given clues leading them to specific locations or people in the office. Each clue is tied to a piece of company history or culture, helping them learn while exploring.
  3. Role-Playing Scenarios (11:30 AM - 1:00 PM)
    • Scenario 1: Handling a Difficult Client
      • Teams are given a common scenario faced by employees, such as handling a challenging client. They must role-play how they would respond, drawing on company values and policies.
    • Scenario 2: Collaborating Across Departments
      • A scenario where team members must work with another department to solve a problem, fostering cross-department collaboration.
  4. Lunch Break (1:00 PM - 2:00 PM)
    • Networking Lunch:
      • A relaxed, catered lunch where new hires can mingle with each other and with established employees, building further connections.
  5. Team-Based Problem-Solving Challenge (2:00 PM - 3:30 PM)
    • Problem-Solving Challenge:
      • Teams are given a business-related challenge to solve. The problem will reflect real-world situations they might encounter in their roles. Teams must present their solutions to a panel of senior leaders, who will provide feedback.
  6. Quizzes about Company History & Culture (3:30 PM - 4:30 PM)
    • Interactive Quiz:
      • A fun, competitive quiz covering key aspects of the company’s history, culture, mission, and values. Questions are designed to reinforce what was learned during the tour and earlier activities.
  7. Closing & Certificate Ceremony (4:30 PM - 5:00 PM)
    • Closing Remarks:
      • A senior leader will close the event with a recap of the day’s activities, emphasizing the importance of the company culture and the role of each new hire.
    • Certificate and Swag Distribution:
      • Participants receive certificates of completion and company swag as a token of appreciation for their participation.

Logistics and Preparation

  • Pre-Event Preparation:
    • Ensure all materials (scavenger hunt clues, quiz questions, scenario outlines) are prepared in advance.
    • Arrange for team leaders or mentors to assist with the tour and role-playing scenarios.
    • Prepare certificates and swag for distribution at the end of the day.
  • Post-Event Follow-Up:
    • Share a summary of the day’s activities with all participants via email.
    • Gather feedback from participants to continuously improve the onboarding experience.



  1. Finding the Sales Department

Introduce new hires to the Sales Department, where a key function of the company operates, and help them get acquainted with the team responsible for driving revenue.

Challenge Name:
Find the Revenue Drivers

"Where does the team responsible for driving the company’s revenue sit? Look for the place where deals are made, and the phone never stops ringing."

Sales Department

QR Code Content:
Once the new hires reach the Sales Department and find the QR code, they scan it to reveal the following:

Message After Scanning the QR Code:
"Congratulations! You've found the Sales Department, the heartbeat of our company’s growth. The Sales team works tirelessly to build relationships with clients and drive our revenue. Your next clue awaits at a place where creativity and strategy come together!"



  • Teams receive the clue on their mobile devices.
  • They must figure out that the answer is the Sales Department.
  • Teams navigate to the Sales Department within the office.
  • Once there, they find and scan the QR code to unlock the next clue.

Materials Needed:

  • A QR code linked to the message above, is placed in a visible spot within the Sales Department.



Second Challenge: Uncover the Creative Hub

Objective: Introduce new hires to the Marketing Department, where creativity and strategy blend to shape the company’s brand and messaging.

Challenge Name: Uncover the Creative Hub

Clue/Question: "Where does the magic of our brand happen? Find the department where creativity meets strategy, and ideas come to life in campaigns, content, and designs."

Location: Marketing Department

QR Code Content: Once the new hires reach the Marketing Department and find the QR code, they scan it to reveal the following:

Message After Scanning the QR Code: "Well done! You've discovered the Marketing Department, the creative hub of our company. Here, ideas are transformed into campaigns that connect with our audience and drive our brand forward. Your next clue will take you to a place where numbers and insights rule!"



  • Teams receive the clue on their mobile devices.
  • They must figure out that the answer is the Marketing Department.
  • Teams navigate to the Marketing Department within the office.
  • Once there, they find and scan the QR code to unlock the next clue.

Materials Needed:

  • A QR code linked to the message above, is placed in a visible spot within the Marketing Department.

instruction URL