The Telephone Game


Improve communication skills and reduce misunderstandings in the workplace by demonstrating how information can become distorted as it passes from person to person.


In this challenge, employees participate in a game where they must pass a message along a chain of people. Each person in the chain can only communicate with the next person in line, either in person or virtually. The final message is then compared to the original, revealing how communication can change as it travels through multiple people. This activity helps highlight the importance of clear and accurate communication in the workplace.

Key Focus Areas:

  • Communication
  • Active listening
  • Clarity in messaging


  • In-Person: Participants are seated in a line or circle. The first person receives a written message, reads it silently, and then whispers it to the next person. The message is passed along until it reaches the last person, who says it out loud.

  • Virtual: Participants are arranged in a virtual meeting, with each person privately messaging the next person in the chain using a chat feature. The final person reads the message aloud to the group.